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local case study

United Kingdom

High Constellation

High Constellation Wind Farm is a consented 10 turbine site on the Kintyre Peninsula, approximately 4 km southeast of Clachan. It is located immediately adjacent to the operational Cour Wind Farm, within the administrative boundary of Argyll and Bute Council.

10 wind turbines
50 MW of planned capacity
36,500 homes to be supplied with green energy per year
Project status consented

local case study

United Kingdom

High Constellation

High Constellation Wind Farm is a consented 10 turbine site on the Kintyre Peninsula, approximately 4 km southeast of Clachan. It is located immediately adjacent to the operational Cour Wind Farm, within the administrative boundary of Argyll and Bute Council.

10 wind turbines
50 MW of planned capacity
36,500 homes to be supplied with green energy per year
Project status consented

Project Location

High constellation turbines are partially located within commercial forestry and consent has been granted to undertake advances felling works detailed in the Development Felling Plan and Habitat Management Plans submitted with the Section 36 application documents.

The felling activities will commence in January 2022 and be completed in late 2022. Felling will be carried out using standard forest harvesting equipment with commercial timber being removed from the site.   

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