The financial benefits of going green
As electricity prices and sustainability targets rise, more and more people are taking action. We offer specialist solutions to help industrial and commercial customers navigate local regulations and meet their unique energy needs.
Cut energy costs by generating your own power
Choose from various financing models, tailored towards rooftop photovoltaic installations for companies and commercial enterprise. These turnkey installations are optimised for self-consumption, ideal for reducing your long-term energy costs.
- Investing in solar
Investing in your own solar plant lets you secure the necessary capital with low interest. You could pay off the costs of the plant in a few years and see returns on your investment as energy prices rise.
Leasing your own plant
Our leasing models lets you use solar energy at a reduced cost, giving you maximum energy security throughout a typical 15-year contract. We construct the photovoltaic installation on your roof and lease it back to you.
This means no upfront investment costs for you. When the contract is over, you have the option to purchase your rooftop solar plant outright.
Power purchase agreements
Secure a reliable energy supply at a fixed price with a power purchase agreement (PPA). Energy comes direct from your roof without you needing to invest in building and maintaining your solar plant. Start saving immediately with no upfront investment.

Free offers on photovoltaic installation
Interested in generating your own solar power? Our process is simple:
- We assess your roof to see if it’s suitable for a photovoltaic installation of at least 15,000 m²
- Then, we work out how much electricity your rooftop site could potentially produce
- This information is used to work out your self-consumption rate
- The size of the installation can then be optimised in line with the desired energy level
- You’ll also enjoy full consultation on local regulations and affordability