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We have carefully checked our website and make every effort to ensure that it is up to date and that new information is added on an ongoing basis. We cannot, however, accept any liability for errors, omissions or lack of topicality. 

Published by:
BayWa r.e. AG
Arabellastraße 4
D-81925 Munich
Tel: +49 89 383932 0
Fax: +49 89 383932 32
E-mail: info(at)

Registered Office:
Munich, Germany
Munich Registry Court, HRB 264823
Ust-IDNr.: DE266587063

Management Board:
Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel Gäfke

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Marcus Pöllinger

BayWa r.e. UK company information

BayWa r.e. UK Limited
Managing Director: Christine McGregor, John Milligan
Registered Address: 22 Chancery Lane, London, WC2A 1LS
UK Company number 07538870
VAT number GB 352 3638 04

BayWa r.e. Operation Services Limited 
Managing Director: Morgan Harris
Suite 7, Aurora House, Deltic Avenue, Rooksley
Milton Keynes MK13 8LW
United Kingdom
Registered in England and Wales I Company no: 8851465

BayWa r.e. Group UK Activities Tax Strategy

The following information represent the publication of the BayWa r.e. Group’s tax strategy in respect of UK activities in the current financial year. The tax strategy is approved by the head of the Group which regards the publication of this tax strategy as complying with the duty under paragraph 16(2) of Schedule 19 of the Finance Act 2016

Openness with the UK tax authorities through transparency and cooperation are central to the BayWa Group’s approach to tax compliance in the UK.

Governance and management of tax risks
The principal risk for the Group’s individual entities is non-compliance with tax legislation through oversight or error.

To mitigate this, employees dealing with routine transactions are suitably qualified, for example as Chartered Accountants. Corporation tax returns are prepared by external professional advisors and are reviewed internally by the finance team in each entity. Significant or unusual transactions are advised on by an external expert where appropriate and approved by a director and the Senior Accounting Officer of the relevant entity.

Appropriate documentation is maintained in order to comply with tax legislation and as required to ensure good corporate governance.

External advice is routinely sought where the internal finance teams are unfamiliar with the nature of the tax implications of a transaction or with new legislation.

Viewing the Group as a whole, the main risk is that non-compliance arises as a result of a lack of coordination between entities.

To mitigate this, the Group has established a UK Tax Group comprising of the persons responsible for tax for entities with a taxable presence in the UK. Quarterly conference calls are attended by all the UK Tax Group managers and tax risks are discussed. The relevant outcomes of the meetings are communicated to the Group’s HMRC customer relationship manager.

Tax planning
The primary consideration for the Group is commercial viability. Tax planning aims to support the commercial viability of the entities by ensuring that transactions are tax efficient whilst complying with all relevant laws and legislation. The Group seeks external advice in relation to all new projects and material or unusual transactions primarily to ensure full compliance with legislation.

The Group seeks to mitigate its tax burden by claiming reliefs and allowances available to it. It does not pursue high-risk tax structuring.

Acceptable risk
The BayWa Group has a low threshold regarding acceptable tax risk. The Group’s aim is to minimise and mitigate tax risk so far as is reasonably possible.

Relationship with HMRC
The BayWa Group aims to maintain the highest level of transparency in its dealings with HMRC and seeks to cooperate fully with a view to ensuring it remains fully compliant with relevant legislation.

The Group’s policy is full cooperation with and disclosure to HMRC should any instances of non-compliance be identified. The group regularly seeks advice from the group’s HMRC customer relationship manager and delegated specialists in respect of unusual transactions where higher risks arise.

Photo credits:

Lighthouse: /en/company/about-baywa-re/ © shaunl / iStock
Wind turbines on hills: /en/company/about-baywa-re/company-information/ © chinaface / iStock
Wind turbines, solar panels, sunset: /en/ © westcowboy / iStock
Flags: /en/company/about-baywa-re/ © AdrianHancu / iStock
Maintenance, Technicians: /en/services/operations-management/technical-asset-management-solar/  © Christian Frumolt
Meeting, People: /en/services/operations-management/commercial-asset-management/ © Christian Frumolt
Wind turbines: /en/wind/projects/  © Jose Vega-Lozano 
Wind turbines in fields: /en/wind/projects/project-development-project-acquisition/ © Jose Vega-Lozano
Technician, Digital services: /en/services/maintenance/on-site-operations-maintenance-solar/ © Christian Frumolt
People, Meeting: /en/solar/projects/project-development-project-acquisition/ © Christian Frumolt
Hand, Paper,Glass: /en/services/operations-management/commercial-asset-management/ © Christian Frumolt
Meeting, Discussion, People: /en/wind/projects/project-development-project-acquisition/ © Christian Frumolt
Chair, People, Led Light:/en/company/about-baywa-re/sustainability/  © Atmosfair
Forestation:  /en/company/about-baywa-re/sustainability/  © Climate Partner
Technician, Solar park, Module: /en/company/about-baywa-re/sustainability/ © Zukunftswerk
Maintenance technician: /en/services/maintenance/ © Christian Frumolt
Solar panel on roof: /en/solar/projects/on-site-consumption/ © Florian Hattenkofer
Technician, screwdriver: /en/services/operations-management/technical-asset-management-solar/ © Christian Frumolt

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