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Technical Information related to Solar Farms

This page has been developed to provide technical information about the infrastructure we use on our solar development sites. The dimensions and layout of the infrastructure detailed below may vary from site to site. 

If you have any questions please contact us

What do they look like?

Solar PV Panels and support structures

Our solar farms typically comprise of rows of solar panels mounted on metal frames. The metal frames are secured into the ground via simple metal stanchions with piled foundations, similar to foundations used to secure a fencepost.

Each row or ‘table’ will be separated by approximately 2.5 – 3.0 metres to avoid the adjacent row casting shadows and blocking the sunlight to other panels. The solar panel ‘tables’ are positioned at an angle of between 25 - 30 degrees from the ground facing in a southwards direction to capture the most sunlight possible. This angle means the back of the panel sits higher, at approximately 2.5m above current ground level, than the front edge at 0.8m above ground level. The angle, height and spacing is site specific to allow accessibility for installation, maintenance and greenkeeping.

Technical information diagram

Associated infrastructure

  • Electricity Cabling

    The Direct Current (DC) cabling from the solar panels to the inverters are installed on our sites through ducts fastened to the underside of the solar panel mounting structure. Alternating Current (AC) cabling from the inverters will connect to the Transformer Units and Solar Farm Substation via buried trenches.

  • Inverter Units

    Dependant on the size of the site there are approximately 200-300 small units mounted on the support structures under the solar panels at the end of each row of panels. These collect the DC electricity from the solar panels and convert it into AC electricity. This electricity is then directed into the Transformer Units via underground cabling.

  • Transformer Units

    Transformer units collect the AC electricity supplied from the inverters and increase the voltage to 33kV directing it towards the site substation. The number and size of transformers depends on the capacity and requirements of the solar farm. The units used will be a maximum height of approximately 3.3 metres depending on the site requirements.

    The transformer units are accessed via a network of unobstructed internal grass or gravel access tracks.

  • Solar Farm Substation

    On our sites a small enclosure houses the switchgear, which collects all the generated AC electricity from the smaller Transformer Units. The AC electricity from here is sent to market by connecting to the electricity network. The substation also houses an auxiliary transformer to provide low voltage electricity supply to the site.

    For our larger projects we require a larger connection at 132kV, which in turn requires a larger substation.

  • Spare Parts Containers

    Ours sites typically have three spare parts containers, these are made of steel and are approximately 6 metres long, 2.8 metres high and 2.4 metres wide.

  • Internal access tracks

    Access tracks are sensitively designed throughout the site, typically along hedgerows and/ or between rows of panels. These typically consist of compacted surface or in some places unobstructed corridors of grass, linking all the transformer units within the solar farm and providing access for maintenance.


  • Security Fencing and gates

    Our sites are enclosed by steel mesh fencing, approximately 2  to 2.5 metres high with access gates, similar to the height of most garden fences. It should be noted that any existing public rights of way will be maintained and enhanced to ensure public safety, as required by the local authority.

  • CCTV cameras

    To ensure security and integrity on our sites, where appropriate, CCTV cameras will be fixed at 50 metre intervals along the perimeter fence facing internally into the site. The cameras are remotely monitored.

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