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local case study

United Kingdom

Bann Road

Bann Road is Northern Ireland's largest solar farm, and it’s playing a fundamental role in providing renewable energy to the local communities.

The 45.7 MWp project in county Antrim generates enough energy to power over 12,000. Thanks to a long-term PPA with SSE Airtricity, local residents can be sure of a steady and stable supply of green power.

For Northern Ireland, this means a significant increase in its renewable energy capacity and greater local access to green energy.

45.7 MWp of installed capacity
12,188 homes supplied with green energy per year
Project status sold

local case study

United Kingdom

Bann Road

Bann Road is Northern Ireland's largest solar farm, and it’s playing a fundamental role in providing renewable energy to the local communities.

The 45.7 MWp project in county Antrim generates enough energy to power over 12,000. Thanks to a long-term PPA with SSE Airtricity, local residents can be sure of a steady and stable supply of green power.

For Northern Ireland, this means a significant increase in its renewable energy capacity and greater local access to green energy.

45.7 MWp of installed capacity
12,188 homes supplied with green energy per year
Project status sold

Project Location

Bann Road was completed on schedule, despite harsh conditions and a challenging deadline. It’s performing well in terms of yield, generating 851 kWh/kWp.

The national grid operator, NIE, has full control of the site, thanks to a unique BayWa r.e. developed control system. With a command reaction speed of 600 ms, the DNO can monitor site performance on a second by second basis. Combined with detailed weather forecasts, they’re able to effectively plan their other resources on the grid.

Now that Bann Road is fully operational, our professional operations and maintenance team is ensuring optimum performance and yield, providing 365 days per year data monitoring, premium access to spares, and expertise in HV & LV electrical operations.

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